
A zero-dependency alternative to Express

Missitando is a very small, very simple alternative to Express.js. Like other small/hobby server frameworks, the API is heavily influenced by Express so that you could start using Missitando without having to learn anything and most existing middleware should just work.


npm i @solvitur/missitando


Usage is not well documented here, mostly because I don’t expect a single person to ever find and read this. So, if you do find yourself reading this, feel free to open a GHI asking for documentation. :]

import { App } from '@solvitur/missitando';
import { makeFetch } from 'supertest-fetch';

function someMiddleware(req, res, next) {
	// ...

const app = new App();


app.use('/foo', (req, res) => {
		baseUrl: req.baseUrl,
		originalUrl: req.originalUrl,
		path: req.path,
		route: req.route,
		url: req.url

app.get('/users/:id.(json|txt)', (req, res) => {
	if (req.params.ext === 'json') {
		res.send({ id: req.params.id });
	} else {

const fetch = makeFetch(app.listen());

await fetch('/foo/34')
	.expect(200, {
		baseUrl: '/foo',
		originalUrl: '/foo/2',
		path: '/2',
		route: '/foo',
		url: '/2'

Why does this exist?

Self-indulgence? I think that’s the most honest answer. I wanted to use something other than Express, preferably small/simple/fast. I also have an aversion to dependencies. At first I was going to use tinyhttp because I liked its pitch of no legacy code. But I had a particular use case that depended on sub applications, and they weren’t fully baked yet. When I forked the code to help, I realized how much of the internals are essentially Polka rewritten in TypeScript. This made me sort of fall in love with Polka. I love what lukeed does (“I write wonky ES5 code in a single file”). But my quirky use case was similarly incompatible with Polka. I wanted to be able to rewrite the URL in one piece of middleware such that it affected future routing. This works in Express, but not in Polka or tinyhttp. So I figured it’d be fun to write my own, heavily inspired by Polka, but catering to my own use cases and less focused on the wonkier aspects of code golf.

Why should I use it?

Honestly, I wouldn’t expect you to. Most people will just use Express and call it a day. Most other people are devoted fans of something else, lika Koa. But if you like minimizing dependencies and value performance while still using something that feels familiar, you’re welcome to give it a try.

And the name?

I love the phrase solvitur ambulando. Years ago, I started working on a project for fun that had to do with walking, so I imagined calling the project Ambulando and I’d release it from an organization named Solvitur. I never (yet?) finished that project, but I’ve always had fun with that naming pattern. So “solvitur missitando” means something like “it is solved by sending repeatedly”, which felt fair for a fast web server.