
Page people directly from Slack

Getting started is as simple as clicking a button and granting access to your Slack workspace.

Install Batsignal

We’re all (a little bit too) used to Slack notifications on our phones. But when we’re away from our desks, we’re pretty good at ignoring them. Some people even avoid installing Slack on their phones to take back some control on their work-life balance. But sometimes, hopefully very rarely, you really need someone’s attention and a regular Slack mention isn’t getting the job done. Batsignal lets you page teammates via SMS directly from Slack.

When you send a batsignal, you can choose to send it to individual people, a user group, or even a whole channel. You can also include a message to provide extra context. Your message will be posted to Slack, and a link to your message will be sent via SMS. Phone numbers are retrieved from your Slack profile, so most people won’t have to do any extra configuration to get things working.

This app is currently in beta and completely free.

There's nothing else worth reading before trying it for yourself!

Install Batsignal